"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults.”
Donate to Bear Force
Donate and help us to deliver training in primary schools, plus courses to for mothers who have fled domestic abuse, and whose children have experienced emotional, violent, and sometimes sexual abuse, and are living in women’s refuges.
Why Donate to Bear Force?
Donating to the charity Bear Force can have a profound impact on the well-being of young children.
Here is where your donations are spent:
Bear Force Packs
Our packs for schools consist of Bear Force books for teachers to use as part of their own programmes to support children’s mental health. The books can be used to open dialogue about what is on the minds of children without the need to ask a child head on which often lead to a child to shut down.
The packs include Bear Buddies button badges, which along with our free downloadable certificates, are awarded to children who have listened to the book. As Bear Buddies, children learn the importance of speaking to a trusted adult about their worries and to look out for other children who may be sad and need help.
Buddy Benches
The Buddy Bench has become a popular site in school playgrounds. If a child feels lonely and has no one to play with they sit on the bench and wait for someone to join them or invite them to play. Buddy Benches also help staff identify children who may be lonely and need additional support.
Helping children in refuges who have escaped domestic violence
Bear Force is working with the amazing charity, KidsOut, the only charity in the UK who support over 20,000 children a year who have been affected by domestic violence and seek safety in refuge. The children often have been physically abused and or sexually abused and arrive at refuges with no more than the clothes they are wearing.
KidsOut works to remind these children what it is like to be children and provides a box of new toys to every child arriving in refuge along with a copy of Bear Force. Bear Force is jointly working with the charity on a national campaign to raise awareness of children’s mental health and provide fun days out to children from underprivileged backgrounds.
Support staff
Your donation can assist in providing resources that address mental health, emotional resilience, and coping mechanisms within schools and playgroups. Bear Force is currently looking to employ skilled specialists in children’s mental health who will help schools deliver support to children in their care.
Together we can create a safer and more supportive world for children.