For Teachers

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults.”


For Teachers

Bear Force is a delightful story that can be easily read by children and become a delightful addition to any child’s book collection. It can also be used to provide an opportunity for children to create their own ideas for AB’s adventures or explore the bear’s possible emotions as well as their own, using separate text within its pages.

Advice has been provided by Sarah Anderson, a children’s’ psychotherapist, who has over thirty years’ experience of working with the emotional needs of children, plus the incredible management team at the charity, KidsOut, who help support children fleeing domestic abuse and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Further advice during the development of Bear Force, has been provided by The Dove Service, teachers, leaders within children’s organisations, and those previously affected by mental health issues during childhood.

All profit from sales of the book, merchandise, and donations, is used to extend the reach of the charity’s work.

Becoming a Member of Bear Buddies

Working with teachers, Bear Force has created packs for schools containing Books, Bear Buddies Badges, Bear Force Safe Space posters, and soon their very own plush toy AB Bear toy.

Children receive badges for listening to the book and engaging with its story, and for looking out for other children. If you have read the BEAR FORCE book and can remember the 4 simple rules in the book, then they too can be an official member of BEAR BUDDIES.

The Bear Force Course

Foundations for Life: Strategies to support children’s everyday mental health.

It’s simple but effective techniques can be applied for use in daily life with all children, enhancing children’s emotional intelligence, and helping them develop into emotionally healthy and resilient individuals who are better equipped to deal with life’s challenges.

Looking out for you. You looking out for others.


Communicating with children and young people does not always mean tackling issues head on. It is much easier to work with a child indirectly using tools, distractions, and other mediums to facilitate engagement.


When a child is absorbed in a story their unconscious feelings and thoughts can flow more freely than when asked a direct question about themselves. This enchanting story of a teddy bear who faces lots of changes and emotions, can be used simply as a story book or to encourage a deeper level of engagement with a child or children as they relate to the bear’s character.


Encouraging a dialogue with children and giving them space to express their feelings from a young age and continue to do so as they grow, can have a really positive impact on their mental health.

A free digital version of the book is available on request.